
Drones, where and how to buy one, several tips

In my country (Venezuela), basic things are unimaginable. Things technology cost up to 10 base salaries, however, have seen some friends have come to me with one of these "toys" that call them drones, and found it very interesting, so I want to talk a little about them . Many think that the drones are only for military purposes, but the truth is that there is for domestic use, and the data are rather curious that I will share them.

First, it is good to clarify what a drone. It is an unmanned aircraft system that can be managed remotely. In principle, during the Second World War, they were used to train operating antiaircraft guns. But today, with technology there are used more frequently and already have better scope.

Many types of drones, but the most sophisticated are those to which you enter them and give them a route different directions, and he, independently, the birthday. Now if you want to buy for them at home as a hobby, you have to meet different regulations which are not indispensable to meet a hard time with them.

In different countries there are loopholes that do not provide specific information on where to fly a drone, because as they are so new, yet to be established regulations that clarify various doubts.What happens is that they were designed for military use, but now has become important in the civil, personal, whatever you want to understand.

On one occasion, I started to buy drones , and found a website (or blog) whose name isMundodron , where I got a lot of information about them. In this web site, which is freely accessible to any user, you get relevant information about the different options available, and also features some important information that you should learn.

I should clarify that a drone is not a toy, because it can be harmful and intrusive at times, so if they will buy and use one have to do in their own spaces. For example, if a family has a farm or farm with a large yard, there you can do. There is something called privacy and is recommended that this be respected by people.

Some of the applications of drones specified below:
To recognize places that are targets of investigation
As instruments of fighting in situations that are dangerous
To carry burdens and serve as a logistics vehicle
Filming movies, videos, and any type of civil use
White for simulators serve in combat situations
Distribute Internet for free
Fire control, diagnosis of atmospheres
Security and border control

We hope you find this information helpful.
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Reflection of the week: The mobile Internet is displacing the classic?

In my house, I have two laptops, two table, and two smartphones (my wife and mine), and see how she uses her phone just for surfing the Internet, checking all the different social networks like Instagram , Facebook, snapchat, among others. And this is something we are really momentary or so everywhere? I want to reflect on this issue.

The truth is that I talked to my wife about this empathy you have with your mobile and realize clearly that it is because he likes more, it is more comfortable. By this I do not mean that teams no longer serve table or something like that, but we have to reflect and see the pros and cons. The first pro that I find using a mobile helps you to be more focused on a task, unlike a desktop or laptop, you have multiple windows open, and you see many things simultaneously, which distracts you easily.

Additionally, I have seen on mobile devices has increased speed. For example, companies like T-Mobile offer their broadband service with great range, speed, enabling the user to surf the Internet quickly, without much stress, with access to everything fluently and almost instantly. That's another good point, because before the Internet from mobile devices was lousy, very slow, and Who will like it? Actually anyone. It is very frustrating to surf the Internet so slowly, it takes away any desire.

In mobile phones, the connection broadband reaches advanced levels, with high speeds to download and browse without complication. There are companies that offer good benefits. For example, I have seen how my wife sees novels by YouTube and is not hanging, fluency is very good, and everything with their mobile data with your Internet phone company itself.

Another detail that is important to clarify this issue is that, previously, users had limited access to the Internet, with a finite amount of data; Currently, different companies offer unlimited Internet, you do not get out of this great network of networks in no time. That is a point that has much relevance for which must be clarified now.

I have seen thus how portable and desktop computers, have been displaced by tablets and smartphones, which means something positive for designers as efficient equipment as tablets or smartphones. Of course, everyone uses it depending on your needs. In my case, I keep using my computer, because I feel more comfortable here, I have greater availability of tools, more space and everything is better. So I say, depends on each person, depending on the needs that have each.

And each user can also provide Computer Blog what you think in the comments area.
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What is the best connection to the Internet? Fiber optic or ADSL? Comparison

With many years of experience in this field, I always wanted to delve into every aspect, and the Internet is part of my day. Depending on the needs of Internet users looking for the best, provided it meets our expectations. In this post, I will make a comparison between ADSL and fiber optics, two very interesting and efficient technologies to analyze here.

The first point to consider is that the optical fiber is not covered on all sides, and that will depend on your internet service provider. ADSL connections are more common. Everything will be a matter of analyzing your area. An important factor to note is that fiber optic connections are sensitive to moisture because they are very thin and delicate cables.

However, ADSL connections are sensitive to electromagnetic interference, if not in the optical fiber.Another detail to note is that the optical fiber is more expensive than ADSL, and if by any chance you have certain drawbacks, repair a fiber optic connection is more expensive than the same speed, so you should consider this point that is also important.

Finally, we enter the most important point: speed. The ADSL Internet connections never deliver the speed they offer, because it varies depending on different factors that can clarify in more detail in another post, however, the optical fiber itself are faster. This is where we must reflect and think why should I use my Internet connection?

If you're using to read newspapers online, send email, check social networks, and basic things, there are many deals that are available for you, because you spend less and performance is acceptable; Now if you need speed, high data transmission magnitude, download heavy things on the Internet, and how have (financially), the fiber optic option is for you.

In different portals such as , you can get information on this subject. Always good to learn and learn about different topics.
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Remove copy from Avast! where we send mail

Each software company has its methods to advertise about their products, but honestly, there are some who abuse, and in the case of Avast !. I will not deny that it is one of the best benefits that exist today, besides being free, is fast, lightweight, comfortable, capable and always offers us a fairly complete definitions and safe virus.

However, not everything is rosy, and passes that currently, when you install the antivirus Avast !, this, by default, adds a message to each email we send, which reads as follows:

Avast antivirus software scanned this email for viruses.

That, with a picture of antivirus Avast! on the left. Is that good? It seems to me that no. I think rather than abusive, intrusive. There will be people who do not know this, but some do not, and for those people who do not, is this post. How do I remove it? It is very easy, the truth is they have to apply a couple of steps to ensure that this message does not add in your emails.

The steps that must be applied are those presented below:
Open the antivirus Avast!
Click on the "Options" button
Go to the tab "active protection"
Search "Mail Shield"
Click on "Behavior"
Disable "Include in clean warning messages (outgoing)"

The interface options area looks as shown below:

I hope this little trick has served them very useful.
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Geometry Dash: An addict game for smartphones (phones)

In Computer Blog we have published very few games over 8 years we have, but it's always good to talk about proposals that are interesting. This time, I want to talk about a game that is sure many will like. It is quite addictive, different and you have to have a lot of skill so that we can grasp the tone of this little game that will impact you.

Many Internet analysis classified it as an unwinnable game, because you need to pass obstacles and traps that pass through each level. In particular, I think that having many reflections and stay focused, should not be impossible. I've played on my phone and I have done well, but you have to be 100% focused on what you are playing without distraction.

His name is Geometry Dash , and is free. It is available for various platforms starting with Windows, to iOS (operating system for iPhone Apple), Android, Windows Phone, and any web browser that is installed, for example, flash from a Mac OS X with Safari or Linux and its native web browser does have Flash installed natively.

You see, the goal is to avoid the traps that you are presenting. There are some easy and some really complicated. You can see in the picture above the interface it is quite minimalist, without all the luxury or three dimensional details, but your game logic is complicated and requires a lot of skill, so do not let first impressions lead us.

The game is updated on a daily basis, improving development, adding new goals and traps, so you need to be aware of how their evolution in different Internet portals; you can download to your smartphone, play online, download it to your PC, in order, you have a world of opportunities on this game is sure to be your addiction from now.
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