
¿Astronauts of Apollo 7 hid a UFO ?: prove alleged conspiracy Photos

A series of photographs from the Apollo Mission 7 NASA, are causing a stir throughout the world. As stated by a user of a UFO site, astronauts who participated in this project have concealed a UFO using tape.

This particular discovery was made ​​by a reader of the web " Ufo Sighting Daily "revising the material left by that mission, found on the website of Lunar and Planetary Institute.


"Looking in detail the ship is made for a much more advanced species than us and their design does not look anything like what most of us could imagine it. It's beautiful. "Wrote the amateur.

Some people claimed that even the UFO could be an angel, while others claimed that these images are a sign that NASA is trying to prevent humanity know there extraterrestrial life.

However, in the same digital platform where photos are clogged, there are others where a mysterious unidentified flying object at a distance from Apollo 7. Will it be seen? And if so, why censure in photographs and not others?


Here we leave the link to the pictures originals that are taped over (AS07-07-1878 and AS07-07-1879) and also where you can see the UFO (AS07-07-1874).

The seventh mission of the NASA Apollo program was launched on October 11, 1968 by completing 163 orbits around the Earth in the 10-day flight.

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